Rabu, 30 Januari 2008

[cancercured] Re: Meats have toxins--Weston A. Price - Scientist?

Hi, Karen.

Weston A. Price was a dentist, not a scientist.

Also, how were all those different types of metabolisms figured? One
would have to study very large groups of people for very long times
in order to be able to make anything close to such definitive
statements about the so-called "types" of metabolisms and their
components. Could you please tell me where I can go to see what must
necessarily be the tremendous compendium of documentation that was
done in order to allow such comprehensive, detailed conclusions to be

Here is a site on wikipedia that very significantly calls into
question Weston A. Price's theories:


Among other things, it says that one particularly distinguished
member of the Weston A. Price Foundation died at quite a young age---
somewhere between 35 and 50---of a stroke.

While T. Colin Campbell, who is a scientist, and Weston A. Price, who
was a dentist, agree that native and third world people who change
their diet from what they normally eat to what westerners eat do
develop degenerative dis-eases they did not previously get, Dr.
Campbell gives extraordinarily well-documented evidence that the
reason for such is different than what Weston A. Price supposes.

Indigenous peoples do, by the way, develop horrible dis-eases such as
yaws, leprosy, fevers, malaria, etc.

Something I find extraordinarily suspect about Weston A. Price is the
experiment he supposedly did of implanting the teeth from root canals
under the skins of rabbits, and seeing the rabbits develop the dis-
ease the person with the root canal had. He is supposed to have done
5,000 of these, at a time when people did not know root canals might
be dangerous. Since a root canal is done to save the tooth, I cannot
imagine where he managed to find 5,000 people willing to have their
root canal teeth removed. I also find the idea that the rabbits
developed the dis-ease the people with the root canals had to be
unbelievable. Also, not only did he have to find 5,000 people willing
to have their root canal teeth removed, those people also had to have
some kind of degenerative dis-ease.

Again, please go to this link and read, please:



Karen Eck wrote:
> Elliot, Everything today is polluted with toxins
> - even vegetables. Traditional diets of healthy
> primitive people include meat, esp organ meats
> and the animal fat. When asked why they ate
> those, they said because they make perfect
> babies. Those people were documented to be almost
> 100% healthy. Very little of each: tooth decay,
> crooked teeth, physical illness, cancer, mental
> illness, no crime, no police. Here is a good summary
> http://www.drrons.com/nutrition-westonaprice.htm
> of the work done by the superb scientist Weston A
> Price, done in the 1920s and 1930s that shows the
> real culprit in ill health is processed and
> refined foods. When civilization encroached upon
> these superbly healthy peoples and they began
> eating "white man's foods" they got all the same
> diseases we suffer from. When sent back to the
> tribe and away from the devitalized white man's
> diet, their health was restored. The foods of
> primitive peoples eating from the land and sea
> where they live have 10, 20 and 50 times the
> nutrient content of modern grocery store food.
> Vincent has said that in countries where people
> are malnourished there is very little cancer. So
> over-eating and outright gluttony also play a
> part in growing cancers.The diet Vincent advised
> my aunt to eat was low protein, low sugar, low
> calorie, no meat, lots of veges and some grains,
> a little bit of fruit. Vincent also says that the
> one thing all the cancer diets have in common is
> that they are "distortive," and so in some way
> they exploit a metabolic difference in the cancer
> cells. Cancer diets are not the balanced,
> catabolic diets needed by growing children and
> healthy people. Even people eating vegan all their
lives can get cancer....

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