Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Re: [cancercured] Re: biopsy

Just my opinion.. I would do the biopsy, then maybe do the Budwig diet, pawpaw, and evrything else re prevention.

I had bleeding in my urine for over 6 months and the docs kept aying it was just enlarged prosate..finally they did a cytoscopic exam, where they go in and take a look,a nd found 3 tumors in my bladder..they took them out, and said one was "aggressive, and usually comes back, and then they woulfd have to remove the bladder" , which a BIG surgery !!
An oncologist said "youhave to have 6 chemo treatemnts ,plus maybe radiation,and they will still have to remove the bladder" Her reason was ' afew cells amy ahve escaped, nd there is no reliable test to detect them!! I dont think money was her motive,,she works for the county hospital..
I am not going to do that..I am going to get this BCG treatment thru a catheter..much less invasive, and has a high success rate of preventing recurrences..plus Budwig,pawpaw, etc..
I just wish they had diagnosed it earlier.it probably was not aggressive in the early stages..What a hassle!!

"yildiz" <yildiz22@...> wrote:
I am new member of the group...My gynecologist detected a structure in my uterus and he wants me to have biopsy for it. I am reluctant to have it as i have read in the past that it might cause spreading of the cancerious cells. I would like to take your opinion on this.
best wishes


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