Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

Re[8]: [cancercured] Re: Cancer spreading

Hello Tad,

I think the pulser probably creates a micocurrect eddy in the lymph
fluid which makes it a little less tacky. I am convinced that the
best thing for moving lymph is gentle up and down oscillation on a
rebounder, preferably with the arms flopping up and down.

Yes, the near infrared is wonder ful for healing otherwise healthy
lesions. I'm still reluctant to use it on tumors. It penetrates
deeper into the tissue than does the far infrared, but I don't know if
you could reach temperatures hyperthermically toxic to cancer cells.
I did, accidently, "explode" a pencil eraser sized benign mole on a
patient. The thing swelled up hours after using the near infrared
LEDs on the underlying muscle. When it shrank back down, it
disappeared over the next few weeks. It had been there the patient's
whole life. Food for thought.

The whole body infrared is probably only effective for detox and
perhaps immune stimulation. I don't think you can get into the
hyperthermal zone with it.

We do use zeolite, although I am skeptical regarding it.


Saturday, June 28, 2008, 2:30:29 AM, you wrote:

TW> On Jun 27, 2008, at 7:41 AM, wrote:

>> Hello Nancy,
ses it nearly every
>> day over the lymphatics. She has very sluggish lymph drainage.

TW> I'm glad to hear the mag pulser is helpful. I guess it would help
TW> move lymph like a Chi machine? They don't require much except lying
TW> there having the legs swung back and forth. Some people on the
TW> Beck-n-stuff forum were also getting trained in some kind of lymph
TW> moving massage, I forget what it was called.

>> I use near infrared LEDs with my patients for injuries. I'm
>> reluctant to use them around tumors because of their tissue growth
>> stimulating ability.

TW> Well, perhaps I have been mistaken, I was looking at my saved links
TW> and also googling LED and cancer, the article from NASA was about
TW> healing mouth sores in bone marrow transplant patients, not healing
TW> cancer, and the other one was about activating photosensitizing
TW> chemicals to destroy tumors. Some information about NASA's use of
TW> infrared LED's for wound healing say it increases angiogenesis and also
TW> increases ATP production in the mitochondria. The ATP stimulation
TW> sounds compatible with the Budwig protocol which emphasizes being in
TW> the sunlight twice a day to activate the Flaxseed oil electrons, but
TW> not compatible with Paw Paw or protocols to decrease ATP production.
TW> That does sound bad for cancer.

TW> The study on use of infrared and Whole Body Heat to cause hyperthermia,
TW> when done without the WBH, says the infrared didn't affect the cancer
TW> alone. I've been having DH use the LED lights, a combination of
TW> blue, red, and infrared, on his lumps. I need to know if it's a
TW> mistake. I use it for neck pain, shoulder pain, to irradiate the blood
TW> and kill pathogens, for my gums, for sinusitis, etc, I think it's
TW> great, and it helps me go back to sleep when I have insomnia.

TW> What about magnets? I got some neodymium magnets, gold plated, for
TW> health uses but DH doesn't seem to want to use them, I use them for a
TW> problem knee and they seem to make it better.

>> We have been considering doing a challenge test for heavy metals and,
>> if positive, following up with chelation therapy. I am reluctant to
>> put her through that, but it might be necessary.

TW> If you mean IV EDTA chelation therapy, what about the oral EDTA, which
TW> we have used and DH did seem to notice some benefit to his circulatory
TW> system in that he could go up hills better without getting breathless.
TW> Colloidal Minerals and also zeolite claim to bind up heavy metals, too.
TW> In fact the Organa brand of CM that we were taking was advertising
TW> adding zeolites but our order hasn't been filled by our co-op since
TW> they changed it.

TW> Nancy

Best regards,


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