regarding thyroid insufficiency. Like Will Rogers,"All I know is what
I read in the newspaper" or, in this case, books.
Dr.Broda Barnes based on extensive research was convinced that a large
fraction of the population should be treated for thyroid
insufficiency. He advocated averaging one's basal temperature over
several days as the most reliable indication of thyroid functioning.
Google can supply the reference and procedure. When the basal
temperature was low he prescribed Armour's thyroid.
He was skeptical of other tests for thyroid noting that each, such as
the BMR, the ATR, the PBI, the I-131 uptake, the T-4, the T-3, was
enthusiastically adopted for a few years before being rejected as
worthless and supplanted by a newer one. (Currently the TSH).
Dr. Gerson prescribed Armour's thyroid and Lugol to most of his cancer
patients.(Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy p.205:"Thyroid is administered
in relatively high doses-- one gr. five times daily-- during the first
three to four weeks, then five times one-half gr. daily, and later
three times daily, one-half gr.
Lugol solution (always use half-strength)--given during the first
weeks in larger doses three drops six times daily-- . . ."
Note from me: One grain (gr.) of Armour's thyroid is roughly
equivalent to 0.1mg of synthetic thyroid hormone such as levothroid.
Another note: This amount of thyroid was part of a carefully devised
comprehensive cancer therapy under Dr. Gerson's direct supervision and
should be considered in that context. He was not recommending thyroid
as a cure for cancer.
All the best,
Jonathan Beggs
--- In, "jrrjim" <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:
> I consider this a major issue because of the fact that hypothyroidism
> is being identified as a contributing aspect to cancer, and so many
> cancer patients are being told to take thyroid supplements,
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