Senin, 21 April 2008

Re: [cancercured] Karen

Hi Karen,

I think your story is a great example of when to use traditional cancer
treatment. Sometimes we have to do what we have to do in order to get
back to alternative - or more gentle - treatments. I'm so glad the
chemo has been good to you.

I'm a raw foodist and giving up meat was no problem for me. But I have
yet to give up dairy. I still use goat cheese on my salads and really,
really love pizza and ice cream. For me, the hardest part about being
raw is dealing with the outside world. When I worked from home, it was
awesome. But as soon as I went back into an office setting, it became
very difficult for me to maintain a high percentage of raw. I am now
around 50% raw - some days are 100% raw, but I used to maintain about
80--90% raw every day.

My best to you.


Arlyn Grant


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