Senin, 21 April 2008

[cancercured] Re: Help me convince against chemotherapy


I have Stage IV breast cancer. I am a huge fan of alternative, which
I did for over a year. Then I got a tumor in my lung that my lymph
nodes had wrapped around and it was shutting down my superior vein
that drains blood from my head. I was having head pressure and puffy
face and ringing in my ears for a long time.

I had no choice but to do chemo or radiation. I chose chemo (kicking
and screaming). I will have my third treatment tomorrow. So far it
has been kind to me, very few side effects. By the end of May I will
know if it's working. My head pressure is gone, and my puffy face is

I will get right back to alternative medicine to fight this as soon
as I can.

My biggest program is eating. I like raw food, but it's very hard
not to eat some meat. I am off milk products now because it was
giving me diaherra.

Just my two cents.


> Linda Ellis <lellis4563@...> wrote:
> While it's my personal experience that those who choose
chemo are simply not very open to alternatives, check out If I recall correctly, there are several
studies reviewed there, from Australia, Germany, and Italy, which
evaluated the effects of chemo over time, with large databases. All
the studies I remember showed zero or negligible increase in life
span using chemo. Additionally, Ralph Moss has reports of what works
and what doesn't for various cancer types. He also will generate
personal reports tailored to the needs of the person. Ralph started
out working for Memorial Sloan Kettering (not as an MD, but as a
publicist, I think), and saw how promising alternative research was
buried if it threatened the standard chemo/radiation/surgery. He was
fired when he publicized results anyway.
> He's not particularly "anti" chemo. He evaluates research work of
all types, and advises which forms of treatment are successful for
which types of cancer, without regard to "standard" or "alternative"
> Linda
> The Truly Educated Never Graduate


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