interesting, I didn't seem to note the web address-
"Cat's claw has been used in Peru and Europe since the early 1990s as
an adjunctive treatment for cancer and AIDS, as well as other diseases
that target the immunological system. 2–4,23,24 In addition to its
immunostimulating activity, other in vitro anticancerous properties
have been documented for these alkaloids and other constituents in
cat's claw. Five of the oxindole alkaloids have been clinically
documented with in vitro antileukemic properties, 25 and various root
and bark extracts have demonstrated antitumorous and antimutagenic
properties. 2,26–30 Italian researchers reported in a 2001 in vitro
study that cat's claw directly inhibited the growth of a human breast
cancer cell line by 90%, 31 while another research group reported that
it inhibited the binding of estrogens in human breast cancer cells in
vitro. 32 Swedish researchers documented it inhibited the growth of
lymphoma and leukemia cells in vitro in 1998. 33 Early reports on
Keplinger's observatory trials with cancer patients taking cat's claw
in conjunction with such traditional cancer therapies as chemotherapy
and radiation reported fewer side effects to the traditional therapies
(such as hair loss, weight loss, nausea, secondary infections, and skin
problems). 2 Subsequent researchers have shown how these effects might
be possible: they have reported that cat's claw can aid in DNA cellular
repair and prevent cells from mutating; it also can help prevent the
loss of white blood cells and immune damage caused by many chemotherapy
drugs (a common side effect called leukopenia). 19–21 "
19. Sheng Y, et al., "Treatment of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia in a
rat model with aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa." Phytomedicine
2000; 7(2): 137–43.
20. Sheng, Y., et al., "Enhanced DNA repair, immune function and
reduced toxicity of C-Med-100, a novel aqueous extract from Uncaria
tomentosa." J. Ethnopharmacol. 2000; 69(2): 115–26.
21. Sheng, Y., et al., "DNA repair enhancement of aqueous extracts of
Uncaria tomentosa in a human volunteer study." Phytomedicine 2001;
8(4): 275–82.
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