Sabtu, 29 Maret 2008

[cancercured] Hi, Newbie Here


My name is Desiree. I am new to this group.

I have a fungal infection that has caused me to have a large tumor in
my abdominal cavity, numerous tumors in both breasts, a tumor in each
underarm, a tumor on each arm, and every symptom of Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma. I have learned that all cancer is caused by fungal infections, and that this is why so may times cancer comes back. Many people will get rid of the cancer, but not the fungal infection that caused the cancer. Thus the fungal infection just keeps causing more cancer.

You can test for a fungal infection by spitting into a glass of water
as soon as you get up in the morning before you put anything in your
mouth. If there is any of the saliva floating down in the water
within an hour then you have a fungal infection. The faster the
saliva begins to fall the worse the fungal infection is.
When I first tested about 2 years ago, mine started in about 2

In addition, the fungal infection also caused me to have epilepsy,
cognitive failure, pericaditis (An inflammation of the heart lining
that can ultimately cause your heart to stop), and mood swings. The cognitive failure was so bad that in 6 months time I went from an
IQ of 120 to not even knowing my name.

The seizures were so bad that when they did the EEG my brain waves
went all the way down to 3 htz. Normal is 9-11 and seizures usually
happen between 4-6. I did not like taking the seizure medication, because it was bad for my liver and I had all the symptoms of cancer being in my liver. At the time I could not find anything natural to replace my medication, and the seizures were so bad that I had to take something. My doctor changed my medication 3 times in about 4 months, but I was still having more than one seizure a day on most days.

In November of 06 my doctor wanted to start doing tests on me for
cancer, but I would not let him. I knew that CT scans and biopsies
could be deadly if the cancer was vary advanced and aggressive. All
of my symptoms suggested that mine was.

I also decided to do natural remedies.

My Grandmother, who was my best friend, had Gastric Lymphoma and had
died of the Radiation treatments within 6 months after being
diagnosed when I was 7.

I did not want to die.

My Grandmother only had one tumor and it was only the size of a
grapefruit. The cancer was in her liver, but I still believe that she
would have lived if she had used natural remedies. I don't think she
knew about them though. Her cancer was not aggressive. The doctors
had given her 3 years to live.

I started out by eating apricot seeds, taking a whole food vitamin,
doing a colon clense, and eating a diet of raw fruits and vegetables,
and drinking raw carrot juice. All of this only seemed to slow things
down some.

In December of 06 I was still having multiple seizures every day and
I did not even know my own name, and the doctor told my parents I
would never get my mind back. Furthermore, the tumor in my abdominal cavity was the size of a bowling ball, and everyone thought I was going to die and my family was starting to talk about my funeral.

Then my Dad read about DMSO on the internet. It is a natural
supplement that comes from trees. It is a byproduct of paper
manufacturing. It is good for Brain function and for cancer. It has been known to reverse most of the damage caused by strokes even severe ones. It has been known to help Downs Syndrome.
It is also a good anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, immune
system builder, anti-inflammatory, and pain killer.

Dad bought some at a health food store and I started taking 1 tsp a
day mixed in a glass of water. In 3 days I was out of bed. Within a
week the seizures were gone and I was getting my mind back, and I
took myself off of the seizure medication (I do not recommend that
anyone else cold turkey off of medication. That can be very
dangerous. Always work with your doctor when stopping medication.)

Within 2 months most of my tumors were gone and the large one in my
abdominal cavity had shrunk 50%. When I went back to the doctor, he told me to go home and keep doing what I was doing.

I went back to work a few months later and had to cut way down on my
dosage of the DMSO because it has a smell like garlic. A few months after that I had to have a TB vaccine because I wanted to volunteer at a nursing home. 2 months later, the seizures came back and I started having trouble remembering things and focusing again.
I did not know at that time that vaccines could cause seizures and
anyone who has seizures or even a family history of seizures should
not get any vaccinations and can get a medical excuse. In addition, the tumor in my abdominal cavity tripled in size in one week, and I was feeling very week, tired, and sick to my stomach all the time again.

I had to take 3 days off from work. I was really afraid I was dying
again so I asked my Dad to give a 2 mil shot of 70% DMSO and 30%
water. (I had always drank the DMSO before this, but I had heard that
the shots were more effective, and I was hoping I would only have to
take one and the smell would be gone before I had to go back to work
in a few days.) The shot did work wonderfully, but at first I thought
it was going to kill me. When Dad gave me the shot, it went straight
to my head. I got a headache and became light headed and dizzy. Then
I became partially paralyzed on my right side, I started having
shortness of breath and felt like I was going to pass out. Dad
carried me to the couch and then I started shaking. After about 10
minutes, I was fine.

Three days later, I was able to go back to work. Within 1 week, the
seizures had slowed way down and had become a lot less severe.
In addition, the tumor had shrunk back down to the size it was before
it had started growing again.

I continued taking the 1 shot a week and never again had a bad
reaction like the first one. Although, the shots did always burn
really bad at the injection site. I would scream for about 5 minutes
after each shot.

Apparently, the 1 shot a week was not enough and I began to slowly
get worse again. I finally had to quit my job this last December.
I am now back to drinking 1-2 tsp a day mixed in a glass of water.
The seizures have greatly reduced again and my memory and cognitive
abilities are rapidly getting better.

I do not have much trouble with my heart anymore either, and all of
my tumors are gone except for the one in my abdominal cavity and it
is now only the size of a baseball. I still struggle with mood swings some, but Mom says they are getting better. I still get tired easily, but I can tell I am getting my strength back little by little everyday. Sometimes I will still have a mild sensory seizure when I wake up in the morning or my body will just try to start stiffening up if I get upset about something. I do not shake or pass out much anymore and most of the time, no one else can tell that I am having a seizure.

You can find DMSO in some health food stores and you can order it on line. You can find out more about DMSO from

For the fungal infection, you might want to get some Three Lack. I
found out about three lack a few months ago. It is the best thing I
have found for fungal infections, but it is expensive. it costs about
$50 a box and if you take the recommended dosage you need to buy 3
boxes a month. This is the only reason I do not take it any more I
cannot afford it.

When I was taking it for a few weeks I could tell that it was really
working. The cheapest place I have found Three Lack is on E-Bay.
DMSO also works to kill fungal infections, but it seems to be very

I am also still eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables everyday,
drinking raw juices, and taking a whole food vitamin that contains
digestive enzymes.

I have also learned not to eat processed sugar,artificial sweetners,
or MSG. All of these feed cancer and are bad for the brain and they
trigger my seizures.

MSG has many differant names including:
Autolysed yeast extract
any kind of whey protein
Sometimes "Natural flavors" are MSG and sometimes not
Sometime Gum like Gaur Gum and Xanthian Gum are MSG and sometimes not.

For more info about MSG and other names for it go to

You can find out more about fungal infections at http://www.cancer- and

I hope you all will try DMSO and I hope it helps you as well as it is
helping me.

Desiree Jordan


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