For credentialed professionals the usual and
credible way to release bona fide information is
through peer-reviewed articles. There is no
conspiracy to suppress such information. An example is:
et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer
1756, Issue 1, 25 September 2005, Pages 1-24
The role of pH dynamics and the Na+/H+ antiporter
in the etiopathogenesis and treatment of cancer.
Two faces of the same coinone single nature
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, <>
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, Gorka
José Luis
and Stephan J.
aCentro Médico "La Salud"- c) Independencia,
13-01004 Vitoria, Spain, and Biotechnology
Institute (BTI), c) San Antonio 15-5°, 01005 Vitoria, Spain
bDepartment of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of
the Basque Country, c) Paseo de las Universidades, 7-01006 Vitoria, Spain
cLaboratory of Clinical Experimental Oncology,
Oncology Institute of Bari, 70126 Bari, Italy
dDepartment of General and Environmental
Physiology, University of Bari, 70126 Bari, Italy
Received 3 March 2004; accepted 30 June 2005. Available online 19 July 2005.
Looked at from the genetic point-of-view cancer
represents a daunting and, frankly, confusing
multiplicity of diseases (at least 100) that
require an equally large variety of therapeutic
strategies and substances designed to treat the
particular tumor. However, when analyzed
phenotypically cancer is a relatively uniform
disease of very conserved 'hallmark' behaviors
across the entire spectrum of tissue and genetic
differences [D. Hanahan, R.A. Weinberg, Hallmarks
of cancer, Cell 100 (2000) 57–70]. This suggests
that cancers do, indeed, share common biochemical
and physiological characteristics that are
independent of the varied genetic backgrounds,
and that there may be a common mechanism
underlying both the neoplastic
transformation/progression side and the
antineoplastic/therapy side of oncology. The
challenge of modern oncology is to integrate all
the diverse experimental data to create a
physiological/metabolic/energetic paradigm that
can unite our thinking in order to understand how
both neoplastic progression and therapies
function. This reductionist view gives the hope
that, as in chemistry and physics, it will
possible to identify common underlying driving
forces that define a tumor and will permit, for
the first time, the actual calculated
manipulation of their state. That is, a rational
therapeutic design. In the present review, we
present evidence, obtained from a great number of
studies, for a fundamental, underlying mechanism
involved in the initiation and evolution of the
neoplastic process. There is an ever growing body
of evidence that all the important neoplastic
phenotypes are driven by an alkalization of the
transformed cell, a process which seems specific
for transformed cells since the same
alkalinization has no effect in cells that have
not been transformed. Seen in that light,
different fields of cancer research, from
etiopathogenesis, cancer cell metabolism and
neovascularization, to multiple drug resistance
(MDR), selective apoptosis, modern cancer
chemotherapy and the spontaneous regression of
cancer (SRC) all appear to have in common a
pivotal characteristic, the aberrant regulation
of hydrogen ion dynamics [S. Harguindey, J.L.
Pedraz, R. García Cañero, J. Pérez de Diego, E.J.
Cragoe Jr., Hydrogen ion-dependent oncogenesis
and parallel new avenues to cancer prevention and
treatment using a H+-mediated unifying approach:
pH-related and pH-unrelated mechanisms, Crit.
Rev. Oncog. 6 (1) (1995) 1–33]. Cancer cells have
an acid–base disturbance that is completely
different than observed in normal tissues and
that increases in correspondence with increasing
neoplastic state: an interstitial acid
microenvironment linked to an intracellular alkalosis.
Dr. Simoncini chose not to go the route that
would win the respect of colleagues. When there
are problems getting important clinical research
published, the researcher can put all the raw
data on his/her website or in any number of web
publications. Any clinician knows how to display
a matrix of all patients, diagnoses, stage of
disease, past and current therapies, and
assessment of results -- complete remissions,
partial remissions, stabilization of disease, and
progression of disease. From this we can draw our own conclusions.
Dr. Simoncini's claims seem to go hand in hand
with his unconventional candida theory of cancer,
but he provides very little scientific support
for either. His reporting of wonderful cures
might be one hundred percent accurate, but why
did he choose to present his information in the
same wearying way that is usually selected by scientistic hucksters.
The history of sodium bicarbonate is almost
identical to the history of hydrogen peroxide and
other oxygen therapies for cancer. It goes back
many decades and has many true
believers. Certainly some people have
benefited. In any responsible reporting we would
be told when the treatment can be expected to
fall on its face. How well does it work on the
many difficult sarcomas? on low grade
carcinomas? on the various leukemias and
lymphomas? on patients with drug resistance? in
the face of co-morbid conditions? what about
bone mets? are there ANY cases where the sodium
bicarbonate promoted cancer growth or cancer metastasis?
The way this therapy is now being presented, all
cancer patients can now say, "Whoopee! I'm as
good as cured. I just have to make a pilgrimage
to Dr. Simoncini -- or at least see a physician
who has paid for Dr. Simoncini's seminar."
At 12:16 AM 3/30/2008, you wrote:
>NaHCO3 in cancers in effective when the
>malignant tissue is in DIRECT contact with 5%
>NaHCO3. There is sea of difference between
>direct contact and oral administration of
>NaHCO3. The studies you sent have no relevence
>here which were based on systemic alkaline
>infusions. If you see the video of Dr.Tullio on
>a lung cancer adenoCA, you could see improvement
>in the tumour size and the appearance in 24
>hours. So the study you sent has no relevance to
>the protocol of Dr.Tullio. It makes a hell of
>difference local and systemic administration.
>Your post is confusing and misdirecting. Go
>through Dr. Tullio's study protocol to get a
>clear idea about how NaHCO3 is active against
>cancers(DIRECT CONTACT). His results speak for
>themselves. My own doctor did administer NaHCO3
>to a lung cancer pt(adenocaricinoma)which you
>should know is rare and non responding to
>conventional; it did nothing to him with chemo,
>mono clonal but responded beautifully with NaHCO3 in short time. What
>more evidence you need? It is DIRECT CONTACT
>with NaHCO3 that tumours respond to and not
>oral(so forget about soda bicarb degraded in
>stomach with HCl). Hope this is clear to you now
>NaHCO3. Dr.Tullio discovery is a boon to mankind.
>--- On Sun, 3/30/08, VGammill
><<>> wrote:
>List, The following abstracts speak to the probable inadvisability
>of inducing extremes of pH. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is used in
>animal models as a tumor promoter. Table salt (NaCl) can be equally troubling.
>------------ --------- --------- --------- -------
>Food Chem Toxicol. 1999 Dec;37(12):1159- 66.
>Effect of urinary pH on the progression of urinary bladder tumours.
>sites/entrez? Db=pubmed& Cmd=Search&
>Term=%22Lina% 20BA%22%5BAuthor %5D&itool=
>EntrezSystem2. PEntrez.Pubmed. Pubmed_ResultsPa
>nel.Pubmed_ DiscoveryPanel. Pubmed_RVAbstrac tPlus>Lina
>sites/entrez? Db=pubmed& Cmd=Search&
>Term=%22van% 20Garderen- Hoetmer%20A%
>22%5BAuthor% 5D&itool= EntrezSystem2..
>PEntrez.Pubmed. Pubmed_ResultsPa nel.Pubmed_
>DiscoveryPanel. Pubmed_RVAbstrac tPlus>van
>Garderen-Hoetmer A.
>TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, AJ, Zeist, The Netherlands.
>Systemic alkalosis has been postulated to enhance tumorigenesis,
>whereas systemic acidosis has been implicated to exert a favourable
>influence on tumour control and regression. In the present study the
>urinary pH was influenced by feeding acid-forming or base-forming
>diets, and the effect of alkaline or acid urine on the early and late
>progression phase of urinary bladder carcinogenicity was investigated
>in male Wistar rats. Bladder lesions were initiated by
>N-butyl-N-(4- hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (0.05% BBN in the drinking
>water during 4 weeks) and promoted by sodium bicarbonate (3.4% NaHCO3
>in the diet during 15 or 25 weeks). After short- (15 week) and more
>long-term (25 week) promotion with NaHCO3, groups of 20 rats were fed
>a diet containing the acidifying salt ammonium chloride (2.1% NH4Cl)
>or the control diet. All surviving rats were killed after a total
>study duration of 52 weeks. Additional control groups were, after
>initiation, fed diets containing NaHCO3 and killed after 15 wk or 25
>wk of promotion, or at the end of the study. In rats fed diets with
>added salts, water intake and the amount of urine produced were
>increased and the urinary density was decreased compared to rats fed
>control diet. During NaHCO3 feeding, urinary pH and sodium
>concentration were increased. During NH4Cl feeding, urinary pH was
>decreased and urinary chloride and calcium concentrations were
>increased. Initiation by BBN followed by treatment with NaHCO3 caused
>a high incidence of papillary/nodular hyperplasia, papillomas and
>carcinomas of the bladder epithelium. These lesions progressed with
>time or longer duration of NaHCO3 promotion. A tumour protective
>effect of urinary acidification by NH4Cl was not found. In fact, both
>acidification and prolonged alkalinization tended to aggravate the
>malignancy of bladder carcinomas.
>PMID: 10654592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
>------------ --------- --------- -------
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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