Minggu, 30 Maret 2008

[cancercured] RE: [cancer cured] tumor promotion with sodium bicarbonate


Thanks so much for giving out all of this information. Allopathic medicine
will never believe that something "simple" will provide an answer to cancer.
The more complex they make it the more money is made and the more
"mysterious" it becomes, so that only a doctor can understand. History
tells us and governments realize that the most effective way to control
people is through FEAR and MYSTERY (language that intentionally means one
thing to the professional and another to the patient or language that the
patient cannot understand) which is exactly what happens in main stream and
even CAM medicine.

It is when the patient begins to educate and research that most docs get
uncomfortable or even angry. Some will even "fire" patients. On the path
toward healing, people should always begin with education and research. If
education (both sides) is not sought and time allowed for research then the
patient will be vulnerable to believe almost anything.

I have always believed that cancer could very well be caused by fungus and
even part of the protocol that I did for cancer addressed the fungal
connection. This also goes along with the terrain theory of cancer. If we
make the terrain difficult for fungus then it will also be difficult for

By the way, most natural docs will tell you that cancer patients always have
yeast concerns especially those that have been on chemotherapy, antibiotics
and other drugs.

Candida is rampant, very much over-looked and many times does not present
itself until it is in a more advanced state. However there are many signs
and symptoms.

I hope that everyone gets Dr. Simoncini's book as part of their study and

Another excellent book, for those who are skeptical that a political and
lying nature resides in conventional medicine, is "Politics in Healing" by
Daniel Haley. He takes many cancer treatments, through the years, that have
worked and shows how the treatment and discoverer was ridiculed and brought
down by the lies and ridiculous tactics of conventional medicine. Clinical
studies and scientific papers are not as useful as we are made to believe.
There is a lot of politics and under-handedness that go on often resulting
in "clinical evidence" and "scientific papers" that are driven by money and
prestige thus providing "outcomes" that were decided upon before the paper
was written or the trial began.

It's too bad that the conventional medicine cartel refuses to step out of
the box. However, when only money, power and prestige drives an institution
or profession then you can almost guarantee that seemingly no answers will
be found except for those that line bank accounts.

If they can get people to where they actually forget what it feels like to
be healthy, through the continual use of their drug, cut and burn philosophy
then their profit mill continues forever. When I finally got healthy and
well, I immediately realized that I had forgotten what "health and
well-being" really felt like. I was amazed!

Be Well


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