Minggu, 27 Januari 2008

Re: Daughtersofmoms withBREASTCANCER Update on Mom

My mom's cancer spread to her liver and she has been on chemo for a year. I disagree with you and think that she should proceed with chemo. My mom has been on chemo for about a year now and though she has bad days her numbers have continually improved and her tumors have shrunk, no growth and no new ones. It has given us a great hope for the future (however long that may be) and mom continues to do her sewing and the things she loves on her good weeks. She is also planning a vacation with my dad next month (planned around chemo of course). My prayers are with you and your family.

Pamela VanLaningham <danishdonut02@yahoo.com> wrote:
If the cancer has spread to your mom's liver, please
think twice about continuing with chemo-therapy, I
have seen it once too often and heard from family
members if they had to do it all over again they would
not push the person with cancer to go thru with chemo
if it has spread because of the loss of quality of
life, they would prefer that the person enjoy the last
few months or years doing what they would want to do,
enjoy grand kids, take a trip that they would like to
take instead of going for appointments and being ill.
A gentleman where my mom's goes for chemo was informed
that it had spread to his liver and lungs, the Dr's
office pushed him into continuing with the chemo and
it has not stopped it from spreading further, it is
now in his brain.
I am all for going thru chemo the 1st time but once it
has spread to vital organs think about the quality of
life that the person is going to go thru and there is
no guarantee. Believe me I don't want my mom to pass
away as we always want our parents to be there for us,
I would just want my mom to enjoy her last days the
way she would want to.
--- "Stephanie L. Carter" <stephanie@allprovas.com>

> Well, after a couple of months on the research
> program, it has been decided
> that the hormone is not shrinking the breast tumor.
> In addition, they found
> something suspicious on her liver during a recent
> MRI. They are planning to
> go down with a scope to check it out, they indicated
> to us that at this time
> (until the test) they cannot tell if it's cancer or
> not. If it is, we'll
> start chemo immediately. Of course, Mom's not too
> thrilled, as she's been
> calling me every couple of days complaining about
> all the new medications
> and the frequent doctor's visits. I comfort her as
> much as I can, but tell
> her we have to push on for what's best for her.
> She'll still continue to
> take the hormone, because we do know that while the
> tumor didn't shrink, if
> it grew, it was very little, so why mess with a good
> thing.
> As for the rest of my life, well, that's another
> story. The house phone and
> my work phone are off, they repossessed our vehicle,
> we still haven't found
> a place to move and I'm still trying to keep my head
> held high. I know it's
> the Devil and I know that he's only showing his true
> colors because I
> finally found a church home where I feel wanted and
> needed. So I'm not going
> to buckle down under his tactics. I ask that you all
> continue to pray for
> me, as I do for you. I don't sit down to post very
> often because it's
> something about the very act of typing out my
> feelings that gets the better
> of my emotions.
> Love you all,
> Stephanie in Detroit
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]


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