died of breast cancer at age 39 as well as our grandmother at age 40.
We all tested positive for BRCA2. We all 3 had profelactic
mastectomies. None of us regret our decisions about getting tested
and having the surgeries. As far a insurence etc, none of us have
experienced any problems with that. We all have daughters and when
they are old enough to make the decision on weather to be tested, we
will be there for them
. Good luck!
--- In daughtersofmomswithbreastcancer@yahoogroups.com, Colleen Cox
<cocoflorida2003@...> wrote:
> I have very mixed feelings over this testing, One thing I always
wondered, if you test positive for this gene does that go into your
medical file? We all have a medical file somewhat like a credit
report. I wouldnt want anyone to know I was positive for this unless
I wanted them to know and told them. Also, do you need to include
this information if you ever get life insurance or change jobs and
get health insurance? Will they know already? I do not know if any of
this is important to anyone else but it sure raised red flags for me.
> I figure since my grandma, mom and me (I am 40) have all had breast
cancer within the same 2 year period, then what is the chances that
my 4 daughters will get it? Pretty high huh? I worried about this
till my worrier got sore and decided only God can predict the future
and far as I am concerned there future didnt change, it is just
something else for them to watch out for as they become women and of
course if I am around I will be watching too!
> Goodluck to you, I hope you find out what your looking for,
remember that your future if you have this gene, didnt change, just
now you will be worried and somewhat prepared possibly sooner.
> I know you must be stressed out, I would be along with everyone
close to you. Regardless of what they tell you though watch out for
yourself. only you can do that becaue even if it comes out negative
it is not a clean slate. No one has a clean slate for anything. We
are all going to die one day and of course we hope it is many days
away but it just might not be.
> As you can see,I chose not to do the testing, I could always change
my mind in the fture as I have an open mind still and for sure to
each her own,
> Good luck to you! I hope you get the information you need!
> Colleen
> Tampa, FL
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Amira Strang <amirastrang@...>
> To: daughtersofmomswithbreastcancer@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:22:17 PM
> Subject: Daughtersofmoms withBREASTCANCER Genetic testing
> A week from Thurs I go in for genetic testing for the BRCA1 and
> genes. I am excited, nervous, happy and sad. Anyone do this yet? I
> am ready but would love to know what to expect at the appointment!
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