Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Re: [cancercured] Re: Glutathione & Immunocal

I was told by by Immunotec reps and my alt (Bio energetice testing) care person to take 4 packs a day with cancer. The average person should take 1 pack a day for maintence.
Untill 50yrs old and then you need min 2 .
But for cancer you need 4. The immunocal or HMS80 (same thing) HMS is the Cancadian name.
With auctoship you get 40% off .
net 40% Discount
$63.00 + shipping and tax
( You may have been looking at the platinum , and it is a little more )
If you want to ask them a question call the number and ask for John Molsen he is their
You should see a difference within 1-3 months.
I assume you are also doing an alkaline diet and avoiding sugar? (stevia is good)
May want to look into cecium also, that too helped me. It is VERY alkaline and seems to be soaked into the cancer but depleates your body of potassium so you have to take 2 to 1 potasium to cecium.
here is a link

toreadpeoplehealthinfo wrote:
Hello Dennis,
I'm interested in the Immunocal product.
You mention in one of your posts that someone was "only" taking one pack a day due to financial constraints. This sounds like that is not the optimal amount to take in your opinion. Would you please clarify what you believe the optimal amount is and why? On their website, however, it seems the recommended daily dose is indeed one pack.
With autoship, the cost would be $90 for 30 packs off their website. Bying it through you, what price would be available?


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