The irradiation industry, and governments world wide, have touted the
effective irradiation of food products as a means to kill various and
harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately what they are not telling
you is that in study after study there have been a plethora of negative
side effects of FRESHLY irradiated products in test animals. Signs
exhibited ranged from weakened immune systems, to weight loss, to other
aberations in the test subject.
What is interesting to note is that food stored for 6 weeks after
irradiation (such as grain products and spices) did not exhibit these
effects in nearly so strongly a manner..
Finally those of you who take the time to read the whole posting will
quickly realize the con-job about to be played on the unsuspecting
public. As you will read, the FDA has already basically sided with Big
Business at the cost of your health. That means ONLY YOU WILL INFORM
YOUR NEIGHBOUR. The FDA, the Media, and other Bodies will do NOTHING to
tell you the truth about the dangerous side effects of freshly
irradiated food.. It is up to you to copy this post and share with as
many people as possible. Then when enough people know the difference we
can exert serious pressure to keep our food unirradiated and simply get
the food industry to simply use GOOD HYGIENE PRACTISES.
Catch the FDA Lying to Your Face..
Dr. Laura Tarantino, director of the Office of Food Additive Safety at
the F.D.A., said the agency had found no serious nutritional or safety
changes associated with irradiation of spinach or lettuce.
"These irradiated foods are not less safe than others," Dr. Tarantino
said, "and the doses are effective in reducing the level of
disease-causing micro-organisms."
Catch the FDA and their plans for Super-Weak Irradiation Labelling
- They are considering lowering the labelling standard with terms like
'electronically pasteurized' and 'cold pasteurized' - SO WATCH FOR IT.
"Acceptance of irradiated food would get a boost if it didn't have to be
labeled as such, Doyle said. There's a food industry proposal before the
FDA to do just that, allowing processors to use the broad term
"pasteurized" for several processes that kill pathogens, including
Original Article:
George L. Tritsch, PhD
Cancer Research Scientist, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, New York
State Department of Health.
I am speaking as a private citizen, and my opinions are my own, based on
thirty-three years of experience since my doctorate at Cornell Medical
College, Rockefeller University and, since 1959, as a cancer research
scientist and biochemist at Roswell.
I am opposed to consuming irradiated food because of the abundant and
convincing evidence in the refereed scientific literature that the
condensation products of the free radicals formed during irradiation
produce statistically significant increases in carcinogenesis,
mutagenesis and cardiovascular disease in animals and man. I will not
address the reported destruction of vitamins and other nutrients (what?
- more nutrient deficiencies?; my comment) by irradiation because
suitable supplementation of the diet can prevent the development of such
potential deficiencies. However, I cannot protect myself from the
carcinogenic and other harmful insults to the body placed into the food
supples and I can see no tangible benefit to be traded for the possible
increased incidence of malignant disease one to three decades in the
Irradiation works by splitting chemical bonds in molecules with high
energy beams to form ions and free radicals. When sufficient critical
bonds are split in organisms contaminating a food, the organism is
killed. Comparable bonds are split in the food. Ions are stable; free
radicals contain an unpaired electron and are inherently unstable and
therefore reactive. How long free radicals remain in food treated with a
given dose of radiation or the reaction products formed in a given food
cannot be calculated but must be tested experimentally for each food.
Different doses of radiation will produce different amounts and kinds of
The kinds of bonds split in a given molecule are governed by statistical
considerations. Thus, while most molecules of a given fatty acid, for
example, may be split in a certain manner, other molecules of the same
fatty acid will be split differently. A free radical can either combine
with another free radical to form a stable compound, or it can initiate
a [chemical] chain reaction by reacting with a stable molecule to form
another free radical, et cetera, until the chain is terminated by the
reaction of two free radicals to form a stable compound. These reactions
continue long after the irradiation procedure.
I am bringing this up to give you a rationale for the vast number of new
molecules that can be formed from irradiation of a single molecular
species, to say nothing of a complicated mixture such as food.
Furthermore, the final number and types of new molecules formed will
depend on the other molecules present in the sample. Thus, free radicals
originating from fats could form new compounds with proteins, nucleic
acids [DNA], and so forth.
[ found at:
Abstracts: [from the public archives of the National Library of
Medicine <>
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