Of course, you may choose any opinion you wish regarding the Budwig
Protocol. In the FlaxseedOil2 group we try only to offer information
about Dr. Budwig's work and the results that our members have
experienced. I want to respond to a some of your statements.
In comparing Dr. "Snuffy" Myers credentials, there is no point in
using my name, the comparison is between Dr. Myers and Dr. Budwig who
had degrees in both chemestry and physics and discovered how to cure
cancer through nutrition. She also was the first to discover how to
differentiate saturated and unsaturated fats as well as break them
down into the essential fatty acids. Those are strong credentials and
Secondly, Dr. Myers is talking about using flax oil alone, not
blended with quark or cottage cheese which makes the oil water
soluble allowing it to be digested and assimilated into the cells
where it can help to heal the cell membrane and oxygenate the
tissues. Those two processes can stop cancer and heal the cells. But
taking flax oil alone will not make that happen. It's only when the
oil is bonded with the sulfur protein components in quark or cottage
cheese that the oil assimilates well into the body. Dr. Budwig said
the same thing that Dr. Myers did, that the oil alone taken in the
large amounts needed to heal disease could be harmful. So, what Dr.
Myers said about flax oil does not undermine the Budwig Protocol.
Your comments about Cliff Beckwith are incorrect. Cliff was a very
honest man who told our flaxseedoil2 group everything that he was
doing. He didn't "sneak" off to take Lupron and not report it as you
state. He did take injections of lupron when he first learned that he
had terminal prostate cancer. When Cliff was diagnosed with terminal
prostate cancer at age 71, his urologist gave him 3 months to live.
Cliff lived in good health for 15 years beyond his terminal date to
age 85. My understanding is that 15 years is unusual for someone
diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer no matter what treatment they
try. The cancer returned when he began taking large amounts of
antioxidant supplements, something that Dr. Budwig said would
undermine the benefits of FOCC. Cliff didn't realize that at the time
that he began taking 30 tablets a day of ellagic acid.
Cliff explained in various messages that he took Lupron in the first
four years of his battle with cancer, but he lived 15 years to age 85.
Most of us will be fortunate to live to age 85 whether we have cancer
or not, that is well beyond the average life span in the US.
Here's what Cliff wrote in one of his many messages to the
FlaxseedOil2 group in 2006:
"I am now androgen independant, meaning that the hormone blockade
with Lupron or Zoladex no longer helps. That works on the average for
around 2 and 1/2 years. Sometimes it is much longer but sometimes
much less. It depends on the strains of PCa that are present.
I am already way ahead of the game as it were. With standard
treatment I would have been long dead. The FO/CC, even with many
mistakes on my part has been far more effective than anything else I
could have done. The number of men who were dxd with advanced PCa in
Feb of 1991 with a medium aggressive cancer and are still alive is
not a high percentage."
John, regarding prostate cancer, the FlaxseedOil2 group has nine
testimonials in our files, not counting Cliff, from members who found
that when they began following the Budwig plan, they began to get
well even when they were told their situation was hopeless.
Below are two testimonials from Cisroll, a member of FlaxseedOil2,
who posted these messages to the group in 2006 and 2007 regarding his
experience with Prostate Cancer
Jul 20, 2006
"I had prostate cancer,[Gleason]was rated 8/10, biopsied, 12 samples.
The first doctor wanted to do "non-nerve sparring" surgery. The
second doctor wanted to do radiology and feed me testosterone-
destroying drugs. I refused both, went on Budwig, and, 90 days or so
later, took Bone Scan, CAT Scan and an MRI. All came back negative
for prostate cancer. It behooves all of us to learn for ourselves
how to naturally defeat diseases as in Budwig, without disabling side
effects. cicroll"
"I am very well and continue to daily use the core of Budwig
Protocol, fso/cc, mixing with blue berries, blackberries, and
occasionally, fresh pineapple. Sometimes I even add
pinenuts or walnuts, making a delicious meal. Balance of diet is not
too restrictive, but organic...I avoid doctors, and have stopped
taking the HB pressure pills which I feel caused "MULTIPLE BI-LATERAL
RENAL CYSTS", diagnosed during MRI's, both of which were negative for
prostate cancer. I feel to be in vibrant health with a Budwig-
regenerated prostate, and looking forward to my 70th birthday, in
March. I buy 16-oz fso by the dozens, to be able to recommend to and
help others. I plan to continue BP for the rest of my life. Thank you
for the brilliant work all of you do on this site. Cicroll"
John, you also questioned whether anyone with cancer that included
bone metastesis could be helped by using the Budwig plan. We have
had testimonials from various members whose cancer had spread into
their bones and who got well using the Budwig plan. In our FILES
section read the long list of testimonials sent by over a hundred
members. Here's a recent testimonial from a member who has posted
many times about her daughter's gradual jouney to health.
Jan. 12, 2008 - Annette, Jodee's daughter - Lymphoma & bone cancer
Annette's newest test shows even more improvement. Dr Suarez said even
some of the lesions on the bones are disappearing. She still has some
active cancer in the center of the bones but he said it is still
dying out. No lymph nodes are active. We are still doing the same
things, nothing different.
On Sept. 30, 2007, Jodee wrote: "Got the P.E.T. Infusion reports on
Annette...The tumors on her liver, in her chest, stomach, all gone.
Dead. Her bone cancer is still decreasing but also still there. Dr
Suarez said again "Not to stop whatever we are doing", it is working.
He said he has never seen a patient with advanced cancer react like
this, from a diet. All of her blood work is normal. This is the first
time in 4 years that this has happened. I again thank Dr Budwig for
everything as well as everyone on this site. We have to keep our
faith up and it can happen. Remember M.D. Anderson. A cancer
hospital in Houston, Texas sent her home in April to die. To anyone,
keep doing the protocol. It works."
John, I'm not trying to convince you or anyone else to try the Budwig
Protocol. But, I hope that my message clarifies a few things for you
and other readers.
john magal wrote:
>Definitely NO? Hold the horses, the jury is still out. Side with
Sandra Olsen against Snuffy Meyers? Are you aware of Dr Meyers
> You dont have to go to flaxseedoil2@yahoogroups.com You will find
positive testimonials only from people who have been healed. However
I have yet to see a testimonial from someone with bone metastesis or
Gleason score 8 or higher. You have to understand that cancer is not
cancer and that the majority of prostate cancers are growing slowly
and can be contained by life style changes with cc/fo (or without
> The same applies to the group moderated by Cliff Beckwith, who
saturated his readers with success stories of cc/fo versus cancer and
could not contain his own, sneaking to an onco to get a Lupron shot
now and then. Most of his readers did not know that and took his
stories for gospel, and to those who did know, he would they say,
yes, but a I attribute my longivity to cc/fo, not to Lupron.
Attribution, of course, is free. IMHO that was outright
> Read the following two posts. The first is from Jim Howell, the
second from Gerry Logan. Both are activists and do not speak for
themselves but for dozens of patients they have observed around them.
> I somehow, who knows why, just wanted to say it again, I am not
against the Budwig protocol. I think it may have important health
advantages for some conditions. But if it has any benefits at all
specifically for prostate cancer, I have yet to see a demonstration
of that, though I've used it and been around others using it for many
long years. But I have read and heard quite a lot about it, a whole
lot of words.
> ...we will always have the for's and against groups, but I have for
a good number of years seen people question the use of FO/CC in
stopping PCa, or even seeing an improvement in the cancer they have,
and I have never seen anyone step forward and say hey... it helped
me. Now I won't disagree that it may help some people with some of
their health problems...
> Have your own opinion, take cc/fo, believe in it, whatever, but
please don't tell others peremptorily that it will help them.
> Health to you
> John
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