Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

[cancercured] Re: Abusive Husbands - OT

Hi, I can relate to this I took the abuse forever thinking things will change, then I got breast cancer things got worse I went thru all the appointments and surgery chemotherpy alone... he had no compasion what so ever ..when I came home after surgery he wouldn't help me rewrap myself or wash up, it was miserable ..I went and put my applacation in one of the subized housing places and moved out ...a.s.a.p. ...he beat me up 2 times after this move...not much you can do ...I got a baseball bat by my door and in my car now and I have 2 GREAT DANES.... NO ONE WILL EVER BEAT ME AGIAN ...HE TRIED ONCE - WONT EVER AGIAN HE GOT NAILED GOOD. MY DOGS ARE VERY AGRESSIVE AND PROTECTIVE...ARE AS GENTLE AS KITTENS UNTIL SOMEONE TRIES TO MESS WITH ME. The police..what a joke, call them, he gets a slap on the hand, while I end up with black and blue marks from him. HE STAY'S CLEAR OF ME AND I DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH OUT MY DOGS THEY WEIGH 130+++ POUNDS EACH ... STAND UP FOR YOUR SELF ...DON'T TAKE IT! IT ONLY MAKES YOUR HEALTH WORSE AND HARDER TO RECOVER AND GET YOUR LIFE BACK, HE DESTROYED MY TRUST AND MY EMOTIONAL WELL BEING FOR 16 YEARS. AM NOW REBUILDING MY LIFE. I HAVE AN IN HOME WORKER. SHE IS GREAT. HELPS ME SO MUCH . IF YOU NEED ME TO HELP YOU FIND RESOURSES, LET ME KNOW...I WILL HELP YOU ... WHERE DO YOU LIVE ,I AM IN MINNESOTA.
Thing with having cancer, you end up for the most part starting over in all aspects in life. it seems your friends you think you have just dissapear. I can't say why but it happens even family members ... I had to start over relationsships with new friends even if it is over the internet. I gained support. I gained friends who understand WHAT WE GO THRU... IT IS VERY HARD BUT WORTH IT ... huggs and blessings to you.
Nancy in Minnesota

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