Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

[cancercured] Re: One way to treat cancer???

My understanding is that cancer is a metabolic disorder. I know
that many don't agree with this but thats OK. I have collected a
large assortment of antique medical books, many on cancer, and I
discovered that these doctors were indeed curing cancer. They also
knew the cause. Modern times has introduced many toxic chemicals that
did not exist when these physicians were curing this disease and I am
sure that their methods wouldn't be as effective today as they were
way back then, none the less, these people clearly understood the
etiology of cancer. The pathway to wellness is the elimination of the
internal environmental factors that cause good cells to go bad. It
isn't heredity or a lack of chemotherapy or radiation. All of those
methods don't work. The survival rates they pontificate are
meaningless as the poor patient still has cancer. Proper diet and the
elimination of metabolic wastes is the solution to the problem. Of
that I have no doubt. I know a girl who beat pancreatic cancer. I
know how she did it and I also know that the methods she applied will
work for most if not all cancers. The old docs followed that pathway
and they did indeed cure their patients of cancer. Cured, not just a
number in 5 years. This isn't rocket science, just plain old common
sense. I don't fear this disease and no, I don't have it, nor do I
intend to get it. I know how to avoid it and unless I am unknowingly
exposed to some triggering chemical agent, I plan to remain healthy
and that is my responsibility to myself. Looking for a magic pill is
like looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I stood
there once where it contacted the ground. I stood within 5 feet of it
and there was no treasure.


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