Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

[cancercured] Re: One way to treat cancer???


Do you see any progress of modern medicine in the direction (really
with any disease ) ? I am not.
sure if you like to "buy" your health - that newer works.
But for you, as for representee of consumers nation, hard to believe
that. Doctors, insurance companies, TV ads did their job very good.
Nobody but you can help.
Gravity is working even if you do not trust Newton.;)

Take care!

--- In cancercured@yahoogroups.com, "Arlyn Grant" <arlynsg@...> wrote:
> I am always amazed by the folks who come around saying there is only one
> way to treat cancer and only one cause.
> If anything, my studying of the disease shows that is truly not the
> case.
> I used to believe it, until I developed cancer and learned more about
> the truth. Everything changes when you are diagnosed. Before being
> diagnosed, I was playing around with toys, none of it was real. It was
> easy for me to sit on my high horse and proclaim that I knew the truth
> about disease and I would never develop cancer because I was doing this
> and that - which means the cancer could never grow.
> What I learned after diagnosis is that we don't know diddly.
> Treating cancer as one disease is wrong. Treating everyone with cancer
> the same way is wrong. When I see these ideas running around in the
> alternative community, it reminds me that there are just as many wrong
> ways in the alternative field as there is in the "traditional" medical
> field.
> The only way to cure anything is to open your eyes and truly SEE.
> Before then, it is all a bunch of hooey and people blowing hot air.
> ar
> --
> Arlyn Grant
> arlynsg@...


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