Selasa, 22 April 2008

[cancercured] Re: High dose Vit'c'

jpking@... wrote:
> what megadoses are for cancer treatment? Do you
> take it every day ? Or through I.V. every day?

IVC is usually 50-100g per treatment (over a few hours), sometimes as
often as every day; best to use non-corn derived vit. C from I heard from one source that it's possible to consume
in the range of 50g/day lipsomal vit. C, which I try to build up to
but I wouldn't go much over 20g/day w/o medical guidance/supervision.

Posted by: "Paul Weston" wezzie1954
<<vit c caps from GNC and notice they contain
(amongst other things) Magnesium stearate. You may recall I was
advised to take Magnesium Citrate to prevent the formation of kidney
stones.does anyone know, Are they the same thing>>

No, I think citrate's better. I don't think that's relevant for a vit.
C supplement, but I would NOT order any supplements from GNC.
I heard they're owned by pharmaceutical company, and I vaguely recall
their supplements containing toxic additives.


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