Selasa, 22 April 2008

[cancercured] Homeopathy for cancer

Did You Know?

A procedure for treatment of cancer with homeopathy may be established
within the next six months following trials at a leading medical center
in the United States.

Kolkata, April 2. (PTI): A procedure for treatment of cancer with
homeopathy may be established within the next six months following
trials at a leading medical center in the United States, an expert
connected with the project claimed here.

"The trials on mice to establish the effectiveness of homeopathic
medicine have already begun in the United States and by August this year
we should be able to establish its efficacy," Dr Susanta K. Banerjee, a
professor of haematology and oncology said.

Prof. Banerjee, who is the director of Cancer Research Unit at the
Kansas University Medical Center, said that the trials were being done
with the involvement of the National Cancer Institute of the US.

He said that the homeopathy medicines on trial now were the same as
those used by leading homeopathic doctor Prasanta Banerjee in Kolkata
for many years for the treatment of cancer.

"The success of the trials in the US will only ensure its acceptance as
an alternative medicine for treatment of cancer under the modern system
of medication," he said.

Dr. Prasanta Banerjee, widely recognised for homeopathic treatment of
cancer, said that in more than 40 years of practice he had repeatedly
seen the efficacy of homeopathy for treating cancer, including brain

He said that during his years of practice, which has now grown to almost
1000 patients daily, he had standardised the medicine for treatment of

To a query, the doctor said that he had not invented new medicine but
found new applications of old medicines. "I am confident about its

Asked whether he was planning to patent his medicine, he said, "I am not
interested in money and only want that our medicine be recognised so
that anyone can get it from any homeopathic medicine shop."
Prof .Susanta Banerjee, who had done his doctorate in genetics from
Calcutta University before moving to the US to join the University of
Kansas, said that he started taking interest in the treatment of cancer
by Dr Prasanta Banerjee as he had cured a record 30 to 40 per cent
He said that he worked in collaboration with the PBH Research
Foundation, set up by Dr Banerjee, and initiated a move to prove the
effectiveness of the medicine through a trial.

"Authorities in the US are quite concerned about the growth of cancer as
it has become the third biggest killer. They are even looking at
alternative medicines for cure, which everybody knows are available in
China or India," he said.


 Copyright 2007 © National Center for Homeopathy. All Rights


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